Heureka - Blog

The small success stories are the ones that count.

Nightmare: Lost Smartphone

Now it happened to me. I probably mocked others too often.

The good thing: with Sim-PIN, Pattern Password und Fingerprint unlocking it's almost impossible to run it with my Google Account anymore. Would that be possible easier, a finder could e.g. use all stored password in Chrome.

Now it was gone and I had time to think.


2022/12/21 12:51 · 0 Comments

Relaxed travel planning in 4 columns

"I must have forgotten something" - this was always my biggest concern when travelling.

On the first few travels I always wrote lists with all the things to pack.

But since several years I now "misuse" a Kanban-Board for this.

This board, once created, can be re-used on every travel.


2022/11/26 15:15

OneNote goes BulletJournal

During the BarCamp Stuttgart in 2018 I visited a Session about Bullet Journaling and tried it immediately.

This uplifting feeling of getting an overview on my life in long- as well as short term, was simply put amazing.

The Bullet Journal is traditionally on paper. In private life I think this is the bast way to use it. But in the company, paper always means a media break and creates more work when digitally would actually be better.

In my company we have a limited software catalog and I tried several of the tools to get a grip on my daily work. Eventually I thought, I'll give OneNote a try, which's existence and value was always a mystery to me - but it payed off.

OneNote is a "do-what-you-want" canvas, comparable to an empty sheet of paper. As soon as you apply a structure of "philosophy" to it, it can be everything you want and become actually helpful. In my case it became "my work journal".

Since January 2022 I haven't made a single note on paper and my self-organization at work has improved dramatically.
This is my approach:


2022/11/12 14:50 · 0 Comments
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