Link Diary September 2023

Try hacking with wargames


Download a website with HTTrack via command line.
GUI tools exist as well when you need elaborate configuration for more complicated websites.

httrack -O ./

Hack the Box preparation

Advent of code

Presumably also happening in december 2023

Video Picks

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Culture, not color

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Hard music, warm hearts

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Conservatives educate

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

The expert

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Bare Metalsson explains

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Blender at Ubistoft Innovation Lab

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Bricked Berlin

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Fan placement experiments

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

New Xsense mocap


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