Link Diary April 2023

My april in links.

IPv6 only server sucks

When you want to save some money and order a server with only IPv6, you will not be able to access e.g. github from that machine.

You will not be able to reach any service that does not have an IPv6 address. And at the moment, e.g. is one of these.

To test this, try

# ping6

Genshin Impact playable on Linux

I just randomly gave it another shot and it just ran with Lutris (2.4.2023) - by my mistake the usually necessary patch was not applied and it ran anyway.

A little digging and I found a reddit post. It might very well be they just messed up the anti-cheat-integration (which made it unplayable on Linux so far).

Try Google Bard via US VPN.

I was kind of disappointed. No coding, no config advice, no german …

i3 from version 4.22 on has gaps

Finally the fork is absolete and the orginal i3 has the esthetic gaps between the windows.

REST methods and response codes

There's more to REST than the "200 OK" resonse code.

Restore buffer memory on Linux

Apparently when downloading huge files, Chrome cloggs the Buffer memory and causes a loss in performance.

Create ~/bin/, chmod u+x it and run with sudo

free -h 
sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches 
echo "---"
free -h

Use ffmpeg to get video dimensions of videos in a directory

for file in *.mp4 *.avi *.mkv; do
  # use ffmpeg to get video dimensions
  dimensions=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=width,height -of csv=s=x:p=0 "$file")
  # print file name and dimensions
  echo "$file: $dimensions"

Latest i3 on Linux (now including gaps)

/usr/lib/apt/apt-helper download-file keyring.deb SHA256:a511ac5f10cd811f8a4ca44d665f2fa1add7a9f09bef238cdfad8461f5239cc4
$ sudo apt install ./keyring.deb
$ echo "deb $(grep '^DISTRIB_CODENAME=' /etc/lsb-release | cut -f2 -d=) universe" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sur5r-i3.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install i3

Open equivalent to Chat GPT

Huggingface LLM Chat

Works like Chat GPT, but is open. Yes, you'll experience phantasizing more often but it's for you to play around and involve instead of just consuming a service from a closed source company.

The online version:

Involve in the training of the model:

You can also run it at home, but I have not tried yet.

Examples for Stable Diffusion Prompts

Struggeling writing prompts that produce nice images?

Find example images and the used prompt here:

Utilize ChatGPT patterns

Download all ancient books of the Gutenberg Project

Uncompressing this can be a challenge though.

Heizungsförderung 2023/2024

Catppuccin Theme for many apps

Many many Linux Apps also supported. Looks really zen.

Additionally maybe the fish shell "pure".

Sometimes glyphs are used in the TUI layouts but seem missing in Ubunutu. Installing this font worked for me:

Video Picks

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Greening the Sahara

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Physics at speed :-O

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Early GPT-4 at Microsoft

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

ChatGPT query hints #1

OEmbed Error
  • Provider returned HTTP Status 401 for
  • All resolution methods failed

ChatGPT query hints #2

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

nmap ist kein Hacker-Tool

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

tmux Zen

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

React still relevant?

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

The never nester

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

How a bidet works

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

AI vs Machine learning

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

Convey's Law in Architecture

Youtube Preview/Vorschau

AI responsibilities.


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