Link Diary September 2024

    • About Dyson Spheres
    • Nice introduction to nmap
    • Will the Predator not see you?
    • Topology reduction and direction
    • Want to form a one man band?
    • Draw in weird perspectives
    • DefCon recap
    • Children watching Alien in the 80s

Video Picks

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About Dyson Spheres

Breakdown of what it is and how we think we can find such constructions.

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Nice introduction to nmap

Probably the most important tool when doing challenges on "Hack the box".

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Will the Predator not see you?

We all had this question. This experiment wants to proof if Arni would have survived in reality.

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Topology reduction and direction

Very eloquent walkthrough on how geometry is contructed, how it flows and how we can utilize that in practice.

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Want to form a one man band?

This is so crazy, he does this so good.

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Draw in weird perspectives

How to break down anything and draw anything with practice.

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DefCon recap

Capture the Flag challenges at the DefCon seem to be really really hard.

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Children watching Alien in the 80s

How polite everyone is, it's incredible.


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