vim for the lazy
vim alongside emacs are the most powerful editors on the linux terminal.
vi, or more specifically vim is pre-installed most of the time, sometimes even configured as standard editor.
vim can do anything you'd expect from a proper text editor without even looking at the mouse. This on the other hand causes a pretty steep learning curve when it comes to keyboard shortcuts.
If you you now and then "have to" use vim, this is the most basic shortcut cheat sheet that should get you through the day:
vim Cheat-Sheet for daily life
When opened, vim is always in command mode.
You cannot type yet.Shortcut | Effect | in Mode |
POS1 | Go to first position in line | nevermind |
END | Go to last position in line | nevermind |
DEL | Remove character below cursor | nevermind |
Backspace | Remove character to the left of the cursor | nevermind |
arrow keys | move cursor around | nevermind |
i | Edit text (interactive mode) | command |
v | Mark text using the arrow keys (visual mode) | command |
y | Copy marked text | visual |
d | Delete marked text | visual |
ESC | End interactive/visual mode. Back to command mode. | interactive/visual |
:q | Close vim | command |
:q! | Close vim even though you changed something. | command |
:w | Save file | command |
:w FILENAME | Save to a different file | command |
:wq | Save file and close | command |
yy | Copy current line | command |
dd | Cut/Delete current line | command |
Shift+P | Paste copied/cut line (above current line) | command |
u | Undo last change | command |
Strg+r | Revert last undo | command |
/ TEXT | Search for text | command |
n | Jump to next search match | command |
Help! It's the old vi!
Especially the navigation keys cause weird output in vi (not vi improved) in interactive mode.
Leave this mode with ESC
before navigating. There are alternatives if the keys don't work at all.
Shortcut | Effect | in Mode | |
| h =left, l =right,j =up, k =down | move cursor around | |
| 0 (zero) | Go to first position in line | |
| $ | Go to last position in line | |
| x | Remove character below cursor | |