Link Diary September 2024

How to install software on FreeBSD?

Landed on a FreeBSD and needed rsync. But how?

pkg install rsync

Restart Pipewire

When somethings odd with the Audio system, maybe restarting its services helps.

systemctl --user restart pipewire.service
systemctl --user restart pipewire-pulse.service

CLI: How much battery left

Get the battery percentage on your Linux Laptop, e.g. for use in i3block.

acpi -b | cut -d ":" -f 2

Observing the stock market

Having started a little trading, these websites proved useful.

Search for stock in specific segments:

Simple check of stock development and news:

Advanced insights to stock development and news:

Pick one value from GoogleFinance in Google Docs

When you use the GOOGLEFINANCE function in Google Sheets you'll realize it populates a table below the field. That is when you want anything other than today's value.
This is particularly annoying when you need the stock value of a specific date.

So, how to get this one value out of that table/array and put it in the current field instead of a table? → INDEX.

=INDEX(GOOGLEFINANCE("NASDAQ:GOOG", "price", DATE(2024,9,20)),2,2)

Video Picks

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About Dyson Spheres

Breakdown of what it is and how we think we can find such constructions.

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Nice introduction to nmap

Probably the most important tool when doing challenges on "Hack the box".

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Will the Predator not see you?

We all had this question. This experiment wants to proof if Arni would have survived in reality.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Topology reduction and direction

Very eloquent walkthrough on how geometry is contructed, how it flows and how we can utilize that in practice.

Youtube Preview/VorschauYoutube Preview/Vorschau
Want to form a one man band?

This is so crazy, he does this so good.

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Draw in weird perspectives

How to break down anything and draw anything with practice.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
DefCon recap

Capture the Flag challenges at the DefCon seem to be really really hard.

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Children watching Alien in the 80s

How polite everyone is, it's incredible.

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Isometric games

A simple "trick" that is used until today.

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Can car tires become a exciting home for algae and fish?

How well intentions can cause a decades long environmental horror.

Youtube Preview/VorschauYoutube Preview/Vorschau
Options and derivatives

Simple explanations of what is behind these financial products.


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