Link Diary November 2024


Every year in November it's about Node practice every day.

Advent Of Code upcoming

An annual challenge where every day from 1st to 25th of december a chapter of a christmas story is published. In the events of the story several algorithmic puzzles need to be solved.
It's even more fun if you create a Leaderboard with your friends or colleagues.

Stuttgart hosts ComicCon

November 30. + December 1.

Wayland on a NVIDIA GPU

Yeah, no. As of now Wayland compositors don't work properly (Sway, Hyprland, …), Game performance is mediocre.

To get usual game performance you need:

  1. the latest proprietary drivers (right now 555)
  2. libnvidia-egl-wayland1
  3. nvidia-drm.modeset=1 add to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub
  4. Secure-Boot off

CIB7 - BPMN engine

Note to self: try it.

Limit NVIDIA Power draw

sudo nvidia-smi -pm ENABLED
sudo nvidia-smi -pl 180 -i 0

Generate an ePub using a markdown workflow

You always start negative when trading

Ever wondered why when you buy a stock that only goes up but when you buy it you're in the negative already?

The price you see in the chart is the "money price" (Geldkurs) (what you would get selling it).

When you buy you have to pay close attention to what is actually charged - it's the "Ask" price (Briefkurs).
Spoiler: it's always above the price of the chart (for penny stocks this can be 2000% higher, usually it's a few Cent). The pricier the stock the less you'll notice it.

Your stock must first recover from this until it's positive again. In frequent trading this is super annoying.

Jinx 3D model (Arcane)


Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Hyprland on Arch Linux

So funny. He's starting from scratch, trying to get Hyprland running.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
vim is a popular text editor

Hilarious. Learning vim from the go. I admire his enthusiasm.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Arcane Art style

So much hand drawing.

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Parenting styles in Arcane

Intentional vs accidental.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Focus on what matters

Side quest do not earn you money. Fix your shit.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Blender - glass scene setup

To make it look as great as the Wodka bottle, some trickery is needed.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Where did it go?

Very well explained that nothing comes from nothing.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Blender Sculpting focal lense

Apparently 80mm is better than the default 50mm.

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Orchester on the street

Great flashmob, beautiful reactions.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Blender hard surface techniques

Rounded surfaces are tricky.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Wear a helmet


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Blender: Model a soda can

He's really going in great detail

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Blender: Procedural cubboards

Fiddling with geometry nodes to make it parametarizable.

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Blender: grow it

Plant growth with Gemetry Nodes

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Blender: Transition materials

Turing a stone to fluid effect.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Linux Root file system explained (german)

He explains what do all these short directory names mean and what's in it.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
Procedural gardening.

Use weight paint and geometry nodes to fill a landscape.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
The "do nothing strategy"

We've all heard, good ideas come under the shower, when you have nothing on your mind.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
New Zeeland Parliament

Just a normal bill to pass.

Youtube Preview/Vorschau
How rainbows are made

Light bending experiments will show you the end of the rainbow.


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