Link Diary May 2022
Videos, articles and other links I stumbled upon in may 2022, which I want to remember and share.
Visual Studio Code: Console shows no underscore
Solution: Increase the font size of the terminal. 15 worked for me.
Visual Studio Code Multiline Magic
Pressing Shift+Alt you can select blocks, editing on multiple places at once.
Adding something to unequally long lines:
Select multiline on the very left, then press End
Merge multiple lines to one:
Select multiline on the very left, then press End
. Then press Del
Gamin with Linux: Linux Presentation Day
We played 10 of my 1000+ games randomly and played them with Steam and Lutris.
Spoiler: every game was playable.
The article: Gaming with Linux - Linux Presentation Day 2022.1
grep for multiple patterns at once
grep 'pattern1\|pattern2' file
Get the UUID of a harddrive
sudo blkid | grep UUID=