i3: Disable all shortcuts when gaming
I was playing Biomutant and accidentally made it close several times because of the key bindings the game used in busy fight situations.
The use of Q W A S D E
, Alt
and Shift
made me slip to the super key quite often. Super+Shift+Q in my case kills an application. Not so good while fighting.
Solution: modes.
When in a mode, new key bindings apply, which basically disables all usual bindings for the time being.
So I added a mode "play_game" with no bindings except the one to exit the mode (which is the same as how to enter).
I used the Scroll-Lock
key which is very far from any key I might press.
bindsym Scroll_Lock mode "play_game" mode "play_game" { bindsym Scroll_Lock mode "default" }